The Synergy of Massage and Aromatherapy 

If you’ve ever had a relaxing Urban Bliss Putrajaya Aromatherapy massage, you know that the blend of incredible oils and the calming touch of your massage therapist can help you feel rejuvenated. But did you know that the synergy of massage and aromatherapy actually has a lot more benefits to offer than simply making your mood better? 

The reason why a good massage feels amazing is that it stimulates the release of these feel-good hormones called endorphins, which instantly relieves all those stress and pain knots. But when you combine this with the power of essential oil scents, the results are even more magical. Your nose can detect over one trillion different scents, and there’s no denying that certain scents can have an instant impact on your mood. These scents are known as ‘olfactory stimulants’, and when applied to the skin, they can be absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream, where they can have a number of positive effects on the body and mind. 

Unlike synthetic perfumes and fragrances, which are created in factories and can contain chemicals that can be harmful, essential oils are natural substances extracted from various plants, flowers and trees to produce their distinctive aromas. They are believed to have healing properties, and they are often mixed with normal massage oil before application. During an aromatherapy massage, the aromatic molecules of these essential oils are inhaled as you relax, and they are also absorbed through the skin for further beneficial effects. 

When inhaled, the aromas of these oils are detected by receptors in our olfactory system that connect directly to our limbic system, which controls our emotions. The oils are then thought to trigger chemical reactions in the brain that influence our emotions and moods. For example, a lavender oil is said to have anti-depressant properties and reduce anxiety, while lemongrass has the ability to boost our immune system and fight against diseases. 

Massage is known to improve our circulation, allowing the body to distribute oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body more efficiently. It can also help with a wide range of painful conditions such as fibromyalgia, lower back pain, arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 

Aromatherapy can further enhance your overall experience by boosting your mood and helping you sleep better. It can also improve your skin by stimulating the production of elastin and collagen, which is beneficial to the skin’s appearance. It can even reduce inflammatory acne and rosacea. 

If you’re interested in incorporating aromatherapy into your next massage, talk to your therapist about the best options for you. Be sure to mention any allergies or sensitivities, as some oils may not be suitable for pregnant women or people with hormonal changes. The best choice for you will depend on your particular needs, and there are always safe alternatives. For example, many therapists use pure, cold pressed vegetable oil which is free from any added synthetic fragrances.